Following on from my guest blog last week  I decided to go and raid their stock for some great examples of making layers work for summer…



The Anouk dress works perfectly over this spotted shirt, and the Lagoon clutch bag adds just the right amount of chic to contrast the Adidas trainers.


This may not exactly constitute “layering” but I couldn’t resist the print clashing in this outfit. The‘Sam’ blouse can be worn open for a more relaxed sort of layer. It’s over a plain vest top here, but might also work well with a pop of colour underneath or a simple cardigan on top. These pants are a divine fit, and whilst these shoes are my own, Hasbeens would do the job very nicely indeed!


These Adidas trainers are so versatile, I think I may need to invest in a pair for myself! Here, they are worn with the Maison Scotch top and scarf (available in store), as well as the model’s own jeans.


More fashion and lifestyle musings from Bella at her wordpress page which can be found here