At Steranko we know how important your personal information is and as a result we take great care in collecting, storing and using the information you give us. By visiting, you are accepting and consenting to the terms in this Privacy Policy.

Your personal information

We use your personal information to help us continually improve your shopping experience. Information is used to process payments, order products & services, communicate with you, maintain your account, prevent or detect fraud and personalise your shopping experience.

We collect and store any information you directly give us; i.e. when you place an order, create an account, sign up for our mailing list(s) or communicate with customer services. We also collect certain types of information we you visit


Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that we transfer to your computer's hard drive through your Web browser to enable our system to recognise you and your computer. Like many websites, we use "cookies" to obtain specific types of information about how you are accessing, for example the type of computer you are using, your operating system and your Web browser. Cookies are also used to identify you, for example your Internet Protocol (IP) address, e-mail address and password. For security reasons we use cookies to create a unique identity for each visitor to prevent fraud and as a result, we will not be able to process your order if your browser has cookies disabled.

The Help menu on most browsers will tell you how to accept cookies automatically, or how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie.

If you are using a shared computer, remember to log out when you have finished browsing For your protection we do not offer an automatic login feature. If you think someone has accessed or used your account without your consent, click here.


Javascript is used to provide added functionality to the site. You will still be able to use if you have Javascript disabled but some functionality may not be available.

Email communications

We will only send you e-mail communications about our new products, improvements to our services or enquires directly related to your account. For your protection and ours we will never request your security details via e-mail. If you receive any e-mail from us requesting any personal details and/or security information send an e-mail to and we will contact you directly. If you do not want to receive e-mail or other mail from us, please unsubscribe from our mailing list.

Other businesses

This policy only covers and as such we are not liable for any third parties that we may link to or promote on our links page or any other area of

Do you share my information?

No. In our opinion it is unethical to profit from information that you have given us in good faith.

How secure is my information?

We take protecting your information very seriously and use professional e-commerce Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security to offer 100% safe and secure transactions. 128bit Thawte Web Server Certificates safeguard your information by encrypting all your personal information, including your credit card number, whenever you communicate with us. You can verify this secure connection at any time during the buying process by clicking on the small lock icon in the bottom right corner of your browser. You can also view this information by right clicking on the web page and selecting "propertie". You can check our Thawte Certificate is valid by clicking on the Thawte logo. only temporary stores your credit card number to process a transaction, and following a transaction, we have no way of accessing it again.

We maintain physical and electronic safeguards when collecting, storing and disclosing your information. Our security procedures mean that we may occasionally request proof of identity before we disclose personal information to you. It is important for you to protect against unauthorised access to your password and to your computer.

This Privacy Policy was last updated: November 4, 2012.

We reserve the right to revise or update this Privacy Policy at any time. While we do not intend to make any changes to this policy or any other terms we do reserve the right to do so. Unless you have instructed us not to, we will inform you of any changes via e-mail, but you should check our website frequently to see recent changes.