Steranko Summer

Following on from my guest blog last week  I decided to go and raid their stock for some great examples of making layers work for summer…   The Anouk dress works perfectly over this spotted...

Why does a Carhartt coat feel more substantial than the rest?...

Why does a Carhartt coat feel more substantial than the rest? Simply putting one on feels inestimably better doesn’t it. Well that what we at Steranko Clothing Manchester think and...
Peter Parry

Everyone Loves The Sunshine

Wow, it's like summer's arrived already in this corner of south Manchester... and whilst we've still got a great instore offer on our remaining sale items, we can't help but look at the new...
Peter Parry

Must have items this party season

  Men’s must have pieces What are ‘must have’ items I hear you ask? Well, they are the items you just cannot live your everyday fantastic life without! They should...
Peter Parry

The Advantage of Shopping online

  The advantage of shopping for clothes online Shopping online has only really been big business for the last 10 years or so, and this is a very small space...
Peter Parry

Everyone Loves The Sunshine

Wow, it's like summer's arrived already in this corner of south Manchester... and whilst we've still got a great instore offer on our remaining sale items, we can't help but look at the new...
Peter Parry